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LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM for all types of business, including for-profit, nonprofit and churches.


SKU: CGBM24-60
Price Options
Business Membership
$249.99every month until canceled
  • Business Mortgage Grants

    Acceleration Funding Options*

    Rent2Ownership Grants

    Vehicle/Fleet Loan Grants

    Bank Loan Grants

    Revolving Debt Grants

    Property Tax Grants

    Insurance Payment Grants

    Recurring Monthly Expenses Grants

    BillPay Insurance*

    Gasoline Benefits

    Positive Credit Reporting

    Personal Assistant Services*

    Loyalty Rewards and Incentives

  • * Additional charges may apply to specific benefits, such as Personal Assistant, BillPay Insurance, Acceleration Funding, etc. Membership is required for all benefits stated. All payment grant programs are based on a minimum threshold payment of $1,000 per month for individuals and $2,000 per month for commercial entities, and require a security deposit equal to one month's total payment for individuals and two months' total payment for commercial entities. For additional information, please refer to the program pages, Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy located within this website.

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